

  • 4
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 山东省 德州 宁津县 宁城街道 宁津县东部新区胡苏路南首
  • 姓名: 李永鹏
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定



  • 所属行业:塑料 塑料制品 塑料板
  • 发布日期:2022-05-03
  • 阅读量:131
  • 价格:22.00 元/千克 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 千克
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:山东德州宁津县时集镇  
  • 关键词:高分子聚刮板,**高分子量聚链条导轨,UHMW-PE板,高分子聚衬板,漏斗衬板



      Shandong Haowo Rubber & Plastic Co., Ltd. Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene special-shaped parts


      UHMWPE sheet outwear more other materials, including metals, nylons, urethanes, and fluoroplastics. It is an extremely tough plastic with high abrasion and wear resistance. The versatility of polyethylene has made it a popular plastic for countless industrial applications that require durability, low friction, and chemical resistance. UHMWPE sheet is easy to fabricate and machine.


      UHMW-PEsheet is used where sliding abrasion occurs or where metal parts meet, causing friction or abrasion wear. It is excellent for chute and hopper liners, convey or components, wear pads, machine guides, impact surface and guide rails

      高性和抗冲击性(High abrasion and impact resistance)

      抗紫外线(UV Resistant )

      易于加工以供工程使用(Easily machined for Engineering Use)

      几乎完全不会受到化学侵蚀(Almost completely inert to chemical attacks)
       低摩擦系数(Low coefficient of friction)
      不结块和粘附(Non-caking & sticking)
      良好的电气性能(Good electrical properties)
      在低温应用中表现出色较高温度:180华氏度吸水率< 0.01%(Performs very well in colder temperature applicationsMaximum temperature: 180°FWater absorption < 0.01%)


    Shandong Haowo Rubber & Plastic Co., Ltd. is located in Ningjin County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, in the triangle formed by Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, Shijiazhuang and other cities, with an elegant location and convenient transportation. The company's main products are: beer and beverage and food processing machinery, curved rails, screws, gears, rollers, pads, guide rails, guide bars, pulleys and related mechanical accessories. The produced engineering plastic products have excellent mechanical properties, high strength, rigidity, hardness and toughness, light weight, wear resistance, aging resistance, self-lubrication and good machinability. Widely used in packaging, beverage, food, electronics, textile, automation and other manufacturing industries.
    欢迎来到山东豪沃橡塑有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省德州宁津县宁津县东部新区胡苏路南首,联系人是李永鹏。 主要经营塑料相关产品。 单位注册资金未知。 本公司产品好,产业规模属国内水平高,产品具有特色,规格比较齐全,质量保证体系规范。欢迎来订购,谢谢!