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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 山东省 德州 宁津县 宁城街道 宁津县东部新区胡苏路南首
  • 姓名: 李永鹏
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


    实体加工升降机**高分子聚滑块 异形件加工可定制PE板材

  • 所属行业:塑料 塑料制品 塑料板
  • 发布日期:2022-08-11
  • 阅读量:113
  • 价格:22.00 元/千克 起
  • 产品规格:定制
  • 产品数量:9999.00 千克
  • 包装说明:托盘包装
  • 发货地址:山东德州宁津县张大庄镇  
  • 关键词:高分子聚滑块,聚异形件,PE板材,加工升降机**滑块,高分子聚PE异形件

    实体加工升降机**高分子聚滑块 异形件加工可定制PE板材详细内容

    **高分子量聚的英文是:Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene 这是现有的较优质的可应用于恶劣工作环境及多种用途的聚。在许多高难度的应用条件下适用性非常好。,**高分子量是这种象合物与众不同的特质,其具有300600万的分子星,而高密度类树脂只有30万至50万。这种差别是保证**高分子星聚具备足路的强度,以达到其他低等聚合产品所不可能具备的损和抗冲击能力。传统的塑料加工技术,比如注塑成型。吹塑和热定型,无法应用于**高分子量聚。挤压成型是应用于较常见的加工工艺,这样生产出来的产品韧性较强。


    1 特性,抗滑动摩擦能力强。**高分子量聚性**一般的钢管4-7倍,不锈钢的27.3倍。是树脂的17.9倍,尼龙六的6倍,聚的4倍,年磨损率平均值058 ,提高了管道的使用寿命。

    2 耐冲击性,在现有的工程塑料中**高分子量聚的冲击韧性值高,其抗冲击强度常温下是PE10010倍以上。随着环境温度的降低,其抗冲击性能越强。

    3 耐腐蚀性能,能耐绝大多数腐蚀性介质和**溶剂的侵蚀

    4 自润性,自身滑动性能优于用油润滑的钢或黄铜。在环境恶劣、粉尘、泥沙多的地方,**高分子量聚管自身干润滑性能更好。能运动自如,保护相关工件不磨损或拉伤。摩擦系数只有0.07~0.12,是普通PE1/5,新钢管的1/6,橡胶的1/20

    5 无毒性,**高分子量聚材料是环保材料,无毒无味、防污抗蛀新型热塑性工程塑料。美国食品管理局(FDA)和美国农业部USDA)允许它用于与食品接触的场合。中国许多城市的主供排水道管都改用**高分子量聚管。


    7 表面非附着性、不结垢,**高分子量聚管由于摩擦系数小和无极性,具有表面非附着性。

    8 抗开裂性较优,**高分子量聚管通过拉伸试验证明,它具有100~300%延伸率,在承受巨大的外压和内压时或者是弯曲应力也能保持一定的变形而不断裂。

    Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is the highest quality polyethylene that can be used in harsh working environment and various uses. It is very suitable for many difficult application conditions., Ultrahigh molecular weight is a distinctive characteristic of this complex, which has a molecular star of 3 to 6 million, while the high-density vinyl resin is only 300000 to 500000. This difference is to ensure that the super high molecular star polyethylene has sufficient strength to achieve the wear resistance and impact resistance that other low-grade polymer products cannot have. Traditional plastic processing technology, such as injection molding. Blow molding and heat setting cannot be applied to UHMWPE. Extrusion molding is the most common processing technology, and the products produced in this way have strong toughness.

    Product features:
    (1) Wear resistance and strong sliding friction resistance. The wear resistance of UHMWPE is 4-7 times higher than that of ordinary steel pipe and 27.3 times higher than that of stainless steel. It is 17.9 times that of phenolic resin, 6 times that of nylon 6 and 4 times that of polyethylene. The average annual wear rate is 0.58 mm, which improves the service life of the pipeline.
    (2) Impact resistance: in the existing engineering plastics, the impact toughness value of UHMWPE is high, and its impact strength at room temperature is more than 10 times that of PE100. With the decrease of ambient temperature, its impact resistance becomes stronger.
    (3) Corrosion resistance: it can resist the corrosion of most corrosive media and organic solvents. UHMWPE can be used in concentrated hydrochloric acid with a concentration of less than 80%, and its performance is quite stable in sulfuric acid with a concentration of less than 75% and nitric acid with a concentration of less than 20%.
    (4) Self lubricity and self sliding performance are better than those of steel or brass lubricated with oil. In places with harsh environment, dust and sediment, UHMWPE pipes have better dry lubrication performance. It can move freely and protect relevant workpieces from wear or strain. The friction coefficient is only 0.07 ~ 0.12, which is 1 / 5 of ordinary PE, 1 / 6 of new steel pipe and 1 / 20 of rubber.
    (5) Non toxic, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene material is an environmental protection material, non-toxic, tasteless, anti fouling and anti moth new thermoplastic engineering plastic. The United States Food Administration (FDA) and the United States Department of agriculture (USDA) allow it to be used in food contact. The main water supply and drainage pipes in many cities in China have been replaced by UHMWPE pipes.
    (6) Low temperature resistance and aging resistance. UHMWPE pipes can work at the temperature of - 269 ℃ to 80 ℃ for a long time. Because there are few unsaturated molecular groups in the molecular chain, the molecular weight is large, the stability is high, the aging speed is particularly slow, and the service life is extended.
    (7) Non adhesion and no scaling on the surface. UHMWPE pipes have non adhesion on the surface due to small friction coefficient and non polarity.
    (8) The cracking resistance is the best. The tensile test of UHMWPE pipe shows that it has an elongation of 100 ~ 300%, and can maintain a certain deformation without fracture when it is subjected to huge external and internal pressure or bending stress.
    欢迎来到山东豪沃橡塑有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省德州宁津县宁津县东部新区胡苏路南首,联系人是李永鹏。 主要经营塑料相关产品。 单位注册资金未知。 本公司产品好,产业规模属国内水平高,产品具有特色,规格比较齐全,质量保证体系规范。欢迎来订购,谢谢!